1. One problem: I need permissions to save a file to /bin .

    How do I save to bin? Maybe using sudo?

    Also, maybe rewrite for newer versions of Ubuntu? I wouldn't have scrolled down to see your changes except for my permissions problem. And it's still unwieldy to try to replace the script as you indicate.



    • Oh, I have 11.04 Natty.

      I just tried cutting & pasting your text into a terminal screen replacing "ehci_hcd" with "usb_storage." I got this:

      modprobe -r usb_storage
      FATAL: Error removing usb_storage (/lib/modules/2.6.38-11-generic-pae/kernel/drivers/usb/storage/usb-storage.ko): Operation not permitted

      So much for that.

      • Linerd

        You need to use sudo.

        sudo modprobe -r usb_storage
    • Linerd

      Yes, you could use sudo to put it into /bin if you want it available from all accounts on the machine, (assuming they have sudo privilege). I put it in a personal bin folder, ie: /home/linerd/bin/


  2. Hi Linerd, thanks for the script.

    Do you see any reason why it wouldn't work in Fedora?

    • Linerd

      It should work as long as you're unloading and reloading the correct kernel modules. I'm not a Fedora user, so I'm not sure how different things are. Ubuntu has since changed to using the usb_storage kernel module.


  3. I tried this on Ultimate Linux 2.7, which is Ubuntu 10.4 on steroids.
    Unfortunately, all that happens is that I click the icon I placed in the taskbar, and the Power Options clickable icon shows. But, no matter which option I click, nothing happens. Some change in Gnome, I guess.

    • Linerd

      Frank, I should have posted a link to a newer post, but even that one doesn't work with 10.04. Sure enough, there was a change. The kernel module is now called usb_storage. I also just realized that the formatting of the script got screwed up and the commands were listed right after the comments. I've fixed the formatting of this post.

      Take this corrected version of the script above and replace ehci_hcd with usb_storage in both places. It should now work with 10.04.

      The USB icon doesn't get selected automatically any more either. The one I like is /usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/gdu-category-peripheral.png.


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