1. CTown

    By the way, what I did to get to the adminmyphp dashboard is (found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/phpMyAdmin):

    sudo dpkg-reconfigure -plow phpmyadmin

    Then I used the username "root" to log back in.

  2. jeff



    • sudo chown -R USERNAME /etc/phpmyadmin

  3. Kirsten

    Okay. Another snag for me. Before I edit envvars, http://localhost/phpmyadmin/ works. After editing for my id and group, it does not. Restoring to www-data fixes this. Any insight to what I may be doing wrong?

    • Linerd

      It looks like you need to add your userID to the www-data group. I had done that as I was trying to get WordPress to work properly and forgotten about it after I made the change to envvars. So make the change to /etc/apache2/envvars as shown in the post. Then add your usedID to the www-data group. You can do this through the menus from System→Administration→Users and Groups, or from the terminal with:

      sudo adduser yourid www-data

      Then restart Apache with

      sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart

      Thanks for helping to debug my blog post! Looks like I have an update to make.

      • jeff

        tried doing this still cant acces popmyadmin unless i change id and group back to www-data

        • Louise

          I did this but phpmyadmin is not responding when I enter my username and password, it just resets the log in screen
          any thoughts will be much appreciated

          • Linerd

            Try clearing your browser cache. If that doesn't do it, then you may be able to reset your password with

            sudo dpkg-reconfigure phpmyadmin

            Restart mySQL with

            sudo restart mysql

            And then restart Apache with

            sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart

            Finally, clear your browser cache again and give it another try.

          • Louise

            Thanks Linerd, i tried this and the blue configuration screens come up etc but I'm not asked to change or set the password, tried clearing cache and restarting Apache anyway though but no luck.

          • Linerd

            Just to be sure, you're trying to log in as root, correct?

            To reset the root password, try

            sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh phpmyadmin

            The first screen should ask if you want to reinstall the database for phpmyadmin. Say "Yes". The next screen will ask you for a password for the administrative account (root). Enter the password you want, tab to OK and hit Enter. The next screen will ask about web server configuration. Make sure "apache2" is selected with a * (highlight and hit the space bar if it's not marked). Then OK.

            Then clear your browser cache and see if you can get in. If that doesn't work, I'm stumped.

          • Louise

            Thanks Linerd!

            It's all working now, ended up reinstalling phpmyadmin and clearing cache etc again as you suggested.

            Thanks for the guides, they're really great, especially for newbies like me!

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