1. Howard

    Forgot to mention that NetworkManager must also be accounted for. Either disable/remove it or modify network/interfaces accordingly (No iface except for the loopback).


  2. While I do agree with trying to keep tutorials as simple as possible, I would like to suggest adding a quick "what you will need" at the start of your tutorials. For editing I would actually suggest using the shell, that way people can gain more familiarity of their system. You could also point users to useful sites for reference.

    I myself am a big vi user.

    To install open a terminal window and type:

    sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install vim

    To use it simply type:

    vi /path/to/filename

    To get a quick tutorial type:

    man vi

    Some common commands are:

    i - Insert... Use this to start editing.
    esc - press the escape key to leave editing mode

    Use these outside of editing mode...
    :wq - Save and Quit
    dd - delete an entire line
    yy - copy an entire line
    p - paste a line

    • Linerd

      Thanks for the feedback. vi/vim is something that everyone should learn to use. Your installation command shouldn't be required since vim is installed by default on nearly every Linux distro. vi is also a standard on Unix. Everyone should learn it because it's the one editor that's always available.

      vim is also a great improvement on vi. I'm one of the lucky ones that had to go through all my programming classes in college with only the vi editor available on the mainframe.

  3. Padi

    Thanks ever so much! I agree, there are always lower levels of understanding, and whilst I'd not be too enamoured to read about keyboard/mouse use, I have a friend who is just beyond that level. (And I had to teach her about that )

    Having said that, we all have to start somewhere, and I know that sometimes it is as basic as that. (I have taught languages to people with no prior knowledge of the language being learnt, and it has to start at a very basic level).

    I'm migrating from Windows, and I still have a lot to learn, but I am eager, and am now confident that with your easy to understand instructions I shall succeed after having been completely mind boggled by the info on the Ubuntu Forums.

    Once again, thanks.

  4. Padi

    This looks as if it could solve my problem, however, as a complete novice I'm a bit thrown as to how opening up a text editor, (andI don't have a favourite one!) and entering the information can configure the network - what is the context? Maybe I'm missing something here, but you seem to be assuming prior knowledge. I'm completely confused!! Please could you explain using simple idiot-proof steps? I'd be eternally grateful.

    Many thanks.

    • Linerd

      @Padi - if you're on a standard Ubuntu build you can launch a text editor through the menu at Programs→Accessories→Text Editor. But for the step above you need to be the superuser. You can launch a text editor as superuser by pressing [Alt][F2] and entering this command in the window: gksudo gedit /etc/network/interfaces
      Enter your password at the prompt and then make the edits from the post above.

      The first line of the file tells the system to configure your computer's network card to use a static IP address. The second line tells what IP address to use. The third line tells what network mask to use. The fourth line tells the IP address of your router. The last line tells you system to start the network card automatically.

      I'm sorry it seems confusing. If you want to know more about IP addresses, check Wikipedia. If you think you're confused now, wait 'til you read the Wikipedia page!

      Sorry, but I have to assume some prior knowledge. Otherwise I'd never get to post anything actually useful. No matter how far down I take it, there's always another lower level. I doubt you'd enjoy reading directions on how to use a mouse or a keyboard.


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