There are times in my work where I need to edit large text files. My text editor of choice for editing large files is VIM. One of the things that I sometimes need to do is to comment out a group of lines from a file. VIM can make short work of tasks like this.
Continue reading Block Inserting and Deleting Text in VIMtext edit
In my job as a mechanical engineer, I work with large text files for finite element analysis models. I sometimes have to run several iterations to evaluate different design proposals and I need to check my models against the baseline to make sure that only the intended changes are included. The tool I use to …
Continue reading Command Line Basics: Compare Files With diff
There are times when editing or viewing text files that it can be handy to display line numbers for the file on which you’re working. In this tutorial I’ll demonstrate how to show line numbers in Vim/vi/gVim.
Continue reading How To Show Line Numbers In VimLately I’ve been using Vim quite a bit to edit text files for my work. One of the things I wanted to do recently was to remove all of the comments from a text file in order to reduce its size prior to uploading it to the server over my relatively slow internet connection. In …
Continue reading Delete Lines Beginning With A Character In Vim