I receive a lot of emails with photos attached that have been taken in a portrait orientation. Most modern digital cameras and smart phones have orientation sensors that tell the camera if it’s been turned on end. When this happens, rather than actually rotate the picture, the camera sets a flag in the image’s EXIF …
Continue reading View Images With The Proper EXIF Orientation In Chrome or Chromiumimage editing
I’ve recently been looking for a way to organize my digital photos by the date and time they were taken. Since I have more than one camera, it’s not as simple as just sorting through file names since the cameras name the files differently. I was going to write a script using Image Magick to …
Continue reading Rename and Rotate Digital Photos With jheadI’ve got a huge number of digital photos on my computer that need to be organized. What I would like to do is sort the pictures by the date they were taken. The first step to sorting the pictures is to know the date they were taken. As long as the clock is properly set …
Continue reading Command Line Basics: View Image EXIF DataIn today’s post I’m going to show how to embed a text message into an image file. This type of messaging is known as steganography. Steganography is the practice of hiding secrets in such a way that only the intended message recipient would know to look for your hidden message. In this basic form of …
Continue reading How To Hide Secret Messages In Images With LinuxAs smart phones are becoming more pervasive, 2D bar codes are starting to appear all over the place. The QR Code format is one of the most commonly used styles of these matrix bar codes. These QR Codes often contain a URL to send a smart phone user to a particular web site, but all …
Continue reading Create Your Own QR Codes on Linux