There are many ways to view files in GNU/Linux. One of the simplest command line tools for viewing files is cat. The cat command, short for concatenate, is actually intended for joining multiple files into one, but it works equally well for viewing text files.
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I previously wrote up a post showing how to watermark images in Linux with ImageMagick. Without too much work you can write a script to do batch processing of your images. This way you can watermark a whole directory of images at once.
Continue reading Batch Watermark Images in LinuxI often find myself browsing my filesystem with Nautilus (the GNOME file manager) and wanting a terminal window to manipulate files in the current directory. I decided to take a shot at writing my own Nautilus script to solve the problem. So here’s my first Nautilus script. Save it in $HOME/.gnome2/nautilus-scripts. I named it terminal-here …
Continue reading Nautilus Script to Launch a TerminalIn a previous Bash to Basics, I already showed how to print output to the terminal with the echo command. Today I’m going to show how to read input from the user and store it in a variable. We can then use that variable to print the text back to the terminal with the echo …
Continue reading Bash to Basics: Read User InputLast time in Bash to Basics I showed how to print text to the terminal with the echo command. This got me thinking about the first program I wrote when I was in fourth grade. I was fortunate enough to be in a school district that had computers in the early ’80s. If you’re around …
Continue reading Bash to Basics: Bash Rocket Science