If you’ve been using Linux or Unix for a long time, then you’re probably familiar remote technologies like rlogin, FTP, and Telnet. These are all wonderful technologies for using a computer remotely, but they are notoriously insecure due to your login credentials being transmitted over the Internet in plain text format.
Continue reading Install SSH and SFTP on Ubuntu or Linux Mintcommand line
If you’ve been using Linux for a while, you may be familiar with the terminal command, date. The date command will display the current date and time to the terminal. On my system, the default output of date looks like this:
Continue reading Creating A Terminal Window ClockIn the Linux world, tarball refers to a compressed tar archive file. The most common type uses gzip compression and the file typically ends in tar.gz or .tgz. The tar command itself has its origin in Unix systems where is was used to save files to magnetic tape. The name tar stands for Tape ARchive.
Continue reading Command Line Basics: Create And Extract TarballsIn today’s post I’m going to show how to use the command line find program to search for files. There are certainly different GUI tools available in Linux, such as Beagle, to search for files. The advantage of many of these systems is that they index the files on your system so that the searching …
Continue reading Command Line Basics: Finding FilesMany software packages in Ubuntu come along with a package configuration file. These files are used to control various settings for their particular package. In most cases, there is no reason to keep these files around after you’ve removed a package from you system. They get removed from your system along with the software package …
Continue reading Remove Old Package Configuration Files in Ubuntu