In my last post I showed how you can add your own custom functions to the GNOME file manager with Nautilus Actions. I’ve also shown previously how to batch watermark images with ImageMagick. I’ve made some adjustments to my previous script so that it will automatically scale the watermark to fit the target image.
Continue reading Watermark Images With Nautilus Actionsgnome
The default file manager in the GNOME desktop environment is Nautilus. If you’ve been using GNOME for a while, then you’re probably familiar with Nautilus’ built in Nautilus Scripts function. The Scripts function is great, but there’s an even better way to add functions to Nautilus; with Nautilus Actions.
Continue reading Expand The GNOME File Manager With Nautilus ActionsI often find myself browsing my filesystem with Nautilus (the GNOME file manager) and wanting a terminal window to manipulate files in the current directory. I decided to take a shot at writing my own Nautilus script to solve the problem. So here’s my first Nautilus script. Save it in $HOME/.gnome2/nautilus-scripts. I named it terminal-here …
Continue reading Nautilus Script to Launch a TerminalThere are hundreds of settings you can configure in the GNOME Desktop Environment. For example, Nautilus is the default file manager in GNOME. Beside it’s obvious use as a file manager, Nautilus also controls user interaction with desktop icons. Many of Nautilus’ settings can be controlled through the Preferences menu. You can access this by …
Continue reading Edit Your GNOME ConfigurationI’ve shown previously how to add an item to Ubuntu’s (or any Gnome desktop) menu, but that post only showed how to edit the menu for a single user. In this post I’ll show how to add an item to the menu so it shows up for every user on the system. I’m going to …
Continue reading How To Add an Item To The GNOME Menu For All Users