This post is part of the process to Install the Fedora 10 Theme in Ubuntu. I’ve recently been kicking the tires on Fedora 10. I’ve never been much of a fan of Ubuntu’s default Human theme, but I though Fedora 10 looked great right from boot up of the Live CD. Fedora has a cool …
Continue reading Install Fedora Cursor Theme in Ubuntugnome
A while back I showed how to change the week start day in the Hamster Applet time tracker. Today I’m going to show how to change the week start day to Monday for Ubuntu in general. This will affect various applications in Ubuntu including the default clock applet on the panel. I figured some of …
Continue reading Change the Week Start Day in UbuntuI ran across this tutorial the other day and thought it was worth passing on. A post on TuxTraining shows how to create a script to add right click virus scanning to Nautilus (the Gnome file manager) using ClamAV. ClamAV is a virus scanner for Linux and Unix systems.
Continue reading Add On-Demand Virus Scanning to NautilusI’ve been using the Hamster Applet time tracker for a few weeks now. See the initial post about Hamster here. One thing that was bugging me was that the weekly reports start on Sunday. The work I am tracking uses weeks of Monday through Sunday, so I wanted to change the week start to Monday. …
Continue reading Change the Week Start Day in Hamster AppletXfApplet is a small program that allows you to run Gnome panel applets from the XFCE panel. It’s available in the Ubuntu universe repositories. You can install it from the command line using aptitude. (You can also use apt-get.) sudo aptitude install xfce4-xfapplet-plugin If you’re not using Ubuntu you can download the XfApplet source package …
Continue reading How To Run Gnome Panel Applets in Xfce