1. Allan

    I know this is an old post, but searching the web this really helps me:
    I followed your instructions on creating a new custom locale, changed the first_weekday and saved, then I looked into the /etc/environment and it only had the PATH variable (I'm using Linux Mint 18.2 Mate).
    After that I changed the locale on /etc/default/locale (that had LC_TIME) but it didn't worked, then i "egrep -n 'LC_TIME' ./.*" in my home directory, which gave me ./.pam_environment, and changing there I could finally change the first day of the calendar!!!

    Thanks a lot

  2. Jimmy

    OMG!! - Ubuntu is destroying the spirit of the well constructed shell


  3. I followed the instructions in this post and rebooted, but Sunday was still displayed as the first day of the week, and now manual pages don't display certain characters correctly and man(1) shows this error:

    man: can't set the locale; make sure $LC_* and $LANG are correct

    Total fail.

  4. Mike

    This didn't work for me at all.

    I tried changing it in /etc/environment and in /etc/default/locale, and neither worked.

    I also tried the locale-gen trick mentioned above, but that failed too.

    At one point, the change had been made, but Firefox complained about an unknown locale, and wouldn't start. Undoing the changes fixed the problem.

    This really ought to be easy.

  5. peter

    thanks for the tutorial.
    there is just one minor issue πŸ™‚ - it is unable to start NetBeans (v6.7.1) after the path to LC_TIME is changed to a custom file.

  6. arielCo

    Editing /etc/default/locale worked perfectly for me.
    @Denis: maybe you did the same mistake as I - the quotation marks shown in Fer's comment are "typographical", as opposed to "standard" plain old quotes (ASCII 34); I blame WordPress. If you copied from the browser and pasted, the locale variables will include the funny characters and for example "cal" will say:
    cal: setlocale: No such file or directory

    I ran "sudo vi /etc/default/locale", replaced the quotes (in this particular case the quotes aren't even needed), logged out/in, and everything's peachy.

  7. Denis

    In 9.10 do not change environment OR /etc/defaults/locale
    For example ccsm will not run after that !!!

    After you change and save:

    first_weekday 2

    run in terminal

    sudo locale-gen

    then log out and log in


  8. Fer

    Ohhh I forgot to change my /etc/environment
    That did the trick.

    By the way, during the search I also found that editing the file /etc/defaults/locale this way (adding the last three lines):

    $ sudo gedit /etc/default/locale

    I will get American english, but time, paper size and units in British i.e. weeks starting with Mondays, A4, metric.
    (In this case is not necessary edit the /etc/environment)

    Thanks a lot

  9. Linerd

    Fer - I just tried this on Jaunty and it worked for me. My computer has been upgraded from 8.04 to 8.10 to 9.04. I don't know if it would be different on a fresh install.

    My /etc/environment file looks like this:

  10. Linerd

    Fer - I have not tried this yet in Jaunty. I'll try to take a look at it tonight and see what's going on.

  11. Fer

    Sorry commenting out of subject, but I could't find a "contact" link.
    In past December you posted about how to "Change the Week Start Day in Ubuntu". It is not working for me in Jaunty. Does it change something from Hardy or I'm doing something wrong? Did you try in Jaunty? Same way? Thanks a lot.


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