1. Thanks for this!

    It failed for me, though, on Ubuntu 9.10.

    Firstly, because I didn't have "checkinstall" - but I installed that. It then installed the theme, but when I try to select it, I get an error:

    This theme will not look as intended because
    the required icon theme 'Fedora' is not installed.

    I searched art.gnome.org/themes/ for this, but with no joy...

  2. Lodainn

    I get the following error :

    graham@lodainn:~/nodoka/gtk-nodoka-engine-0.7.2$ ./configure –prefix=/usr –enable-animation
    configure: error: invalid variable name: –prefix

    any ideas?

    • Linerd

      Lodainn - I found the problem. WordPress has a tendency to convert double hyphens into a dash. I've fixed the post. Those are double hyphens in front of prefix and enable. Try the code from the updated post and it should work now.

      Thanks for the comment and for helping me make the site better.

  3. Joey

    Thank you! It works great. I really love it the most just because I am able to see blue on Rhythmbox. xD


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