1. brandon

    Fantastic! Thanks. (make sure FG=Black BG=White saved me)

  2. Robert P Billeaud

    NOPE. Didn't work. Tried it twice and instead of fading the photo to black it faded to transparent which doesn't help.


    • After doing the fade to transparent, create a new layer and fill it with black. Move the new black layer up in they layer list to make it the background and you should have the effect you are looking for.

  3. Questioning

    What if one wants to fade to other side of the image too? Like say the upper side and keep the lower fade intact. I tried it but it did not work with this same procedure. The scond time I want to use Blend it overruns the first one despite adding another layer..

  4. becca

    Still doesn't work

  5. Rob

    Perfect! Thank you.

  6. Abby

    THANK YOU! Also, advice for anyone who can't seem to get it to work, even though they follow all the steps is to make sure that it is saved as a .png file!

    • Linerd

      Absolutely, make sure you export to a format that supports transparency.


  7. thanks for the tut, nice and helpful, cheers!

  8. karen

    thanks, I'll try, newbie and all that 🙂

  9. karen

    how do you fade the background to the exact same colour as the body, please? 🙂

    • Linerd

      I'm not sure I understand your question, but you can use this technique and then create a new background layer and fill it with any color you want.

      • karen

        I'm trying to fade the bottom same as your info but instead of white, I need the colour to be the same as the body of my website which is 818181.was hoping you had a quick tutorial somewhere, but thanks anyway.

        • Linerd

          This tutorial is actually showing how to fade the image to transparency. So as long as you save it to a format that supports transparency, like PNG, then whatever color is behind it will show through. JPG does not support transarency, so don't use that. The image in my site header was done in the same way as this tutorial. You can see how the checkerboard pattern shows through in my 3rd image. That checkerboard represents the transparent background in GIMP.

          You could download my final image, (right click and save), and place it on your page as an example to see how it looks.

          Give it a try, I think you'll find that you can do what you want with this tutorial. 🙂


  10. Brilliant guide! Thanks so much. I've always wanted to be able to do this and you taught me how in 5 mins!

    • Linerd

      You are quite welcome. I'm glad you found it helpful.


  11. Brilliant! Saved me loads of messing about trying to achieve this effect on a couple of images.
    All I need to do now is actually understand the steps rather than just doing them! 😉

  12. dude

    Never works,never will... #### computers forever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  13. AlexTW

    For some reason I can't get it to work. If you save the .xcf file as a .gif, it should still retain the transparent layer, right? But when I try to save it as a gif image it loses the transparency. Anyone know how I can fix that?

    • AlexTW

      Oh, nvm, it works if you save it as a .png file 🙂

  14. TinaM

    Great Tutorial. I was searching a lot on Google and finally just what I was looking for. Thanks a lot


  15. Thanks for this precise tutorial.

  16. Michael

    A VERY easy way to fade out from an elliptical view of a picture:
    Open a picture that you want to use (jpeg - I'm not sure about other formats)
    Layer-> Add Layer Mask (White - Full Opacity)
    Ellipse Select (select the area you want to use)
    Bucket Fill (black foreground, White background) into the ellipsed area
    Rectangular Select (to encompass the outermost edges of the fade-out)
    Colors -> Invert
    Filter -> Blur -> Gaussian Blur (IIR) (I like to use a setting of 150)
    Layer -> Mask -> Apply Layer Mask
    Paste onto the Gimp page you will use.

  17. Luke N. Sensenig

    Hey I was frustrated. All I wanted to do is fade the image (make it faint) so i could put text over it, as in use it for a background in a text document. I'm new to gimp and I was just fooling around and discovered that if you go to colors, then click on levels, it gives you a couple of sliders labeled input and output. By messing with them I was able to fade the image just like I wanted to. I just thought this might be a simple, helpful solution for some others out there who are wanting to do the same thing.

    • Linerd

      Thanks for the quick tip!


  18. Awesome! Thanks for sharing this simple tutorial!

  19. Marie

    This worked like a charm, and it was really easy. I was working with multiple layers, and it was still pretty cool to do. Thanks!

  20. rai

    thank you for the post. It help me saved a lot of time figuring out how to do this thing. much mahalo!

  21. Animac

    This is so simple and helpful - exactly what tutorials should be! Thanks for sharing.

  22. noob

    I'm so glad I found this tutorial. Extremely helpful!
    Like others here, I've plagued myself with other instructions (including Gimp's own) and was getting nowhere.
    Good stuff !

  23. Tanye

    Thanks - this is exactly what I was looking for !!!

  24. Brandi Thorpe

    THANK YOU. I have been following two other sets of instructions for more than an hour with no results. I used your tutorial and created the effect I needed in less than five minutes. You rock!

    • Linerd

      Glad I could help. I'm no GIMP pro myself, so I wanted to document the process so I could refer to it myself.

  25. Terry Bullock

    This is the simplest, best guide I have found yet, to create this cool effect. You are the man...

    • Linerd

      @Terry- Thanks for the compliment. I try to keep things simple.

  26. lars

    But how do u get the edge all around the figure faded.??
    i tryed to but a eye in another picture, i whanted it to be like a watermark in the background.. but when i did a manual fade like painting with spray it leaves a edge...

  27. Gergo

    My hero 🙂

    • Shalante

      Thank you so much Ive been trying to do this for hours.


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