If you’ve got a netbook, then you’re probably wishing you had a little more vertical room on your monitor. The default setup on GNOME includes two panels that take up valuable space at the top and bottom of your screen. Here’s a few tips to free up some space on your GNOME Desktop layout.
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If you’ve recently updated your Ubuntu installation to version 9.04 (Jaunty Jackalope), then you’ve probably noticed that the update manager starts up automatically when there are updates available. The old behavior was to provide a notification icon in the system tray. If you prefer the new behavior, great. Leave things alone. If you would like …
Continue reading Revert the Update Behavior in Jaunty to the Old WayPreviously I’ve showed you how to set up a home network with Ubuntu. Once your network is set up, it’s easy to transfer files from one computer to another using Gnome’s standard file manager, Nautilus. Nautilus has a built-in feature to support SFTP. SFTP is a secure file transfer protocol. It’s basically a combination of …
Continue reading Secure File Transfer in Nautilus with SFTPSince it’s tax time here in the US, I figured it would be good to post something to help you keep your information safe. Today I’ll show you how to install and use the Cyptkeeper applet in Ubuntu. Cryptkeeper is a GNOME applet for managing EncFS encrypted folders. To install it, make sure the Universe …
Continue reading Create an Encrypted Folder in Ubuntu with CryptkeeperOne of the common complaints heard about Ubuntu is that some people just don’t care for the brown theme that’s applied by default. Many who have tried Fedora 10 have commented on the clean appearance of the theme. Thanks to the open source nature of Linux, it’s not too hard to get your Ubuntu desktop …
Continue reading Install the Fedora 10 Desktop Theme in Ubuntu