I’ve been using the Logitech LX8 at work and at home for a couple of weeks now. I’d been searching for an ambidextrous mouse and the LX8 has been a pleasure to use. One of the frustrations at work is that our Windows XP machines are pretty well locked down, so all I can configure …
Continue reading How To: South Paw Logitech LX8 in LinuxUbuntu
First, you need some cpu temperature monitor software. For Ubuntu you need to install a package called lm-sensors. It’s available in Ubuntu’s main repository. All the commands listed in this howto should be executed from the terminal. sudo apt-get install lm-sensors Then you need to run sensors-detect.
Continue reading How To Control Fan Speeds in UbuntuIn today’s entry, I’m going to show how to edit the main menu in Ubuntu. More generally, this should be valid for anyone running the Gnome Desktop Manager. For this example, I’m going to add a new launcher for Firefox.
Continue reading How To Add An Item To Ubuntu’s Menu