1. 7) Install Windows XP

    • Linerd

      I notice you didn't say Windows Vista, Windows 7, or Windows 8. Microsoft is about to pull the plug on XP, so I don't see much point in installing it. This just might be the dumbest troll comment I've ever seen.

  2. Kevin Chang

    thank you for your share!


  3. I have created a guide to installing Ubuntu 13.04 for new users to Ubuntu, and anyone who is having trouble installing or configuring Ubuntu 13.04 or troubles with Auto-mount.

    Its a pretty comprehensive step by step guide - find it here

    • Linerd

      I looked through some of your info and that's a pretty nice guide you've put together. Good job!

  4. Bill Coventry

    Just installed an old version (9.1) of Ubuntu on a lappy I'm fixing up. Looks quite impressive, so I've ordered a 12.1 disc to check that out. This old guy has been using MS systems for a very long time, last time i tried Linux was many years ago, gee, it's come on well 🙂
    I did try OpenSuse before installing the Ubuntu and was rather underwhelmed.
    The lappy is an Asus dual core with DDR3 Ram, so it should be happy with the 12.1, and 13.4 when i get around to downloading it. Isn't it amazing what ya find in rubbish tips.
    I'm pretty much a newbie to this latest generation of Ubuntu, gonna have to relearn a lot of stuff I not used in years, but seems like fun 🙂

  5. thor

    The best way is to use minimal iso and use this code. sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop --no-install-recommends Now you can install what you want.

    • Linerd

      Thanks for the tip.


  6. Very useful. I love Ubuntu but don't know quite enough to keep it as a full time OS, but always keep a couple live usb's laying around. I'll make sure to come back once i get those upgraded.

  7. Rudemeister

    You forgot #7. reformat your drive and install OpenSuse.

    • Linerd

      Thanks for the tip. I used SuSE way back before OpenSuse existed. Maybe it's time for me to check it out and give it a try...

    • allanr


      Why bother installing Ubuntu at all when you want OpenSuse?


    • OpenSuse didnt work with my usb printer so i switched back to ubuntu

    • David Van

      ... SuSe? Ahhh no, thanks!!!
      Btw, your picture suites your comment.

    • Raven

      wow... someone trying to be funny


  8. Nice article

    I also wrote a list of the things to tweak after intalling ubuntu 13.04


    I hope you find it useful


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