Recent versions of Linux use a unique identifier for hard drives in order to make sure they get mounted to the same location all the time. If you’ve looked into your /etc/fstab file for auto mounting drives, then you’re probably already familiar with the long character strings that are used for UUID’s. The question is, …
Continue reading Command Line Basics: List Hard Drives By UUIDcommand line
There are many different GUI based process monitors available for Linux systems. It seems that each desktop environment or window manager has its own solution. The one common process monitor is the command line terminal based top command. Give it a try. To run top, simply open a terminal window and enter:
Continue reading Command Line Basics: Monitor Processes With TopYou may have an occasion that you want to know the number of files in a directory. There are a couple of simple ways to do this. The first way is to list the files with ls and count them with wc. No, wc doesn’t stand for the place you go to relieve yourself; in …
Continue reading Command Line Basics: Count FilesIf you’re a heavy user of the GNU/Linux command line, then you’re already familiar with the man command. If you’re a newbie, the man command (short for manual, as in RTFM) pulls up the online documentation for terminal commands and outputs it to the same terminal. Perhaps you wish you could have some of these …
Continue reading How To Create PDF’s Of GNU/Linux ManpagesI’ve written a few posts about restarting USB service in Ubuntu before. This is an update to that process for Ubuntu 9.04 (Jaunty) and Ubuntu 9.10 (Karmic). As of Ubuntu Jaunty, the usb kernel module is called usb_storage.
Continue reading Restart USB in Ubuntu Jaunty/Karmic