I’m starting a new feature called Command Line Basics. In this first installment I’m going to cover the echo command. The echo command is used for sending text to the standard output. In most cases, the standard output is your terminal. For example, to print the word “echo” to your terminal output, enter the command
Continue reading Command Line Basics: echolinux
The beta version of Mozilla Firefox 3.5 is out and available for download. The process I’m going to show is to install the beta without removing your current installation. This is just a basic testing setup. If you want to do a true full install, follow the directions in the Ubuntu documentation. First off, download …
Continue reading Install the Firefox 3.5 Beta in LinuxSometimes you just need a DOS boot disk. Many motherboard manufacturers and computer companies only provide DOS based BIOS update utilities. A further challenge is that many computers no longer have floppy disk drives. The solution is to create a bootable USB drive that boots to FreeDOS. The beauty of this method is that you …
Continue reading Create a Bootable USB Drive with Ubuntu and FreeDOSIf you’ve recently updated your Ubuntu installation to version 9.04 (Jaunty Jackalope), then you’ve probably noticed that the update manager starts up automatically when there are updates available. The old behavior was to provide a notification icon in the system tray. If you prefer the new behavior, great. Leave things alone. If you would like …
Continue reading Revert the Update Behavior in Jaunty to the Old WayUnless you live under a rock, or you just plain don’t watch television you’ve seen one of Microsoft’s “I’m a PC” ads. These ads focus on the idea that PC’s are generally a better value than Mac’s on the basis of comparable hardware specs. I agree with this generalization.
Continue reading Who Needs Windows?