It seems as though Apple Inc. can't be satisfied by booming sales and record profits. Cupertino's evil empire has decided that it would be best to put tamper resistant screws into the iPhone. Of course that may be best for Apple's bottom line and not necessarily best for their customers.
Now, when faithful Apple customers bring their iPhones into an Apple store for a warranty repair, the standard Phillips screws are to be replaced with "Pentalobe" screws. The idea, of course, is to make sure that iPhone owners can't replace their batteries themselves. Instead, they will have to pay Apple when the time comes to get a new battery.
One has to wonder how long Apple can continue screwing their customers before people start to get smart and choose other products. With the recent announcement of the iPhone coming to Verizon Wireless it appears that Verizon customers will now have the same opportunity to screwed as AT&T's customers. Will the new Verizon iPhone's come with the "Pentalobe" screws preinstalled?
Their marketing team will probably label it as the iScrew bolts and people will probably buy 5. It's pure genius I tell you.
Well If anyone only thinks money rather than doing good for others, definitely going to fall. Apple won't get any place after 10 years.