The Unity Desktop Shell for GNOME 3 on Ubuntu Linux has created a lot of controversy in the desktop Linux world. Some users love the new forward looking vision of Unity while others long for a more traditional desktop layout. One of the criticisms of Unity has been its lack of configuration settings. While many …
Continue reading Install Unity Tweak Tool in Ubuntugnome
Unity Tweak Tool is an application for adjusting the settings of the Unity desktop shell in Ubuntu Linux. To add it to Ubuntu 12.10 Quantal Quezal or Ubuntu 13.04 Raring Ringtail, follow the instructions to install Unity Tweak Tool in Ubuntu.
Continue reading Unity Tweak Tool Version 0.0.2 ScreenshotsOn May 23, 2012, Linux Mint 13 “Maya” was released. There are two desktop flavors available, the MATE Edition and the Cinnamon Edition. MATE is a fork of the GNOME 2 desktop since the GNOME project has abandoned GNOME 2 in order to work on GNOME 3 development. Cinnamon is a project started by Linux …
Continue reading Distro Review: Linux Mint 13 “Maya” Cinnamon EditionI’ve written before about ripping audio CD’s from the command line (part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4). Certainly, if you’re just ripping a new CD, then just convert the audio to your chosen format at that time. But maybe you’ve been archiving your music in FLAC format or you purchased some high bit-rate …
Continue reading Converting Audio Files with GStreamerFor years the keyboard shortcuts in the GNOME Desktop Manager have been Print Screen to take a shot of the whole screen and Alt + Print Screen to take a shot of the active window. (See the documentation here.) Something happened in Ubuntu 10.10 Maverick Meerkat that breaks the functionality to take screenshots of the …
Continue reading Fix The GNOME Screenshot Shortcut in Ubuntu 10.10